The Consumer Protection Act came into existence in 1986 after years of indepth study of Consumer Protection laws in a number of Countries and in consultation with the representative from various walks of life like Govt., Consumers, Traders and Industries. This Act was further amended in 1993 by passing an amendment act by the Parliament so as to increase its scope & coverage.
Redressal of Consumer Grievances and Consumer Protection in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Civil Supplies Department is also functioning as Directorate of Consumer Affairs for expansion and strengthening of Consumer Protection Movement in the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The main objective is to provide sufficient Enforcement, filed motivators to under take publicity and motivation programme or consumer awareness and Redressal of consumer grievances. In the year 2002-03 eleven seminars were organized at: JNRM COLLEGE, Port Blair, Hut Bay, Car Nicobar, Rangat, Zilla Parishad, Havelock, Directorate of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Port Blair, Mahatma Gandhi College, Mayabunder, Nancowry, Hut Bay. To sort out the consumer grievance State Level Consumer grievance Redressal forum is functioning with one President and two members in its independent building at Civil Supplies Complex, Port Blair. District Level grievance Redressal forum is also functioning in the premises of District & Session Court, Port Blair consisting of one President and two members.
State Consumer Protection Council
The objectives of the council is to promote and protect rights of the consumers such as right to safety, right to be informed, right to seek Redressal etc. As per the order the Council has to meet at least once in four months at the place as the Chairman may decide and submit its report/recommendation to the Administration for consideration and necessary action. To sort out the consumer grievances, the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum known as District Forum under the President ship of District & Session Judge with 2 non official members one of whom is a woman and State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission know as State Commission under Presidentship of Retired High Court judge with two non official members are functioning in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The District Forum established in the year 1988 and the state commission was established in the year 1990. During the year 2002-03 four cases registered and disposed off by the Consumer State Redressal Forum and 22 cases by the District level grievance Redressal Forum.