Consumer's Rights
The Consumer Protection Act recognizes six rights of the Consumers Viz
- Right to be protected against hazardous goods and services
- Rights to be informed about the quality, quantity, protency, purity and prices of goods or service so as to protect the consumers from unfair trade practices
- Right to be assured, wherever possible access to a variety of goods & services at competitive price
- Right to be heard and to be assured that Consumer’s interest will receive due consideration appropriate forums
- Right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices
- Right to consumer education.
Three Tier Quasi Judicial Machinery
- National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (known as National Commission). Pecuniary Jurisdiction of more that Rs.1 Crore.
- State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (known as State Commission). Pecuniary Jurisdiction between Rs.20 Lakhs and 1 Crore).
- District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum(known as District Forum) Pecuniary Jurisdiction upto Rs.20 Lakhs