Plan |
Non-Plan |
Total |
2408 |
Food, Storage and Warehousing |
01.101 |
Food - Procurement and Supply |
02 |
Purchase of Rice |
02.00.21 |
Supplies and Materials |
AN843 |
0 |
105312 |
105312 |
03 |
Purchase of Wheat |
03.00.21 |
Supplies and Materials |
AN844 |
0 |
56000 |
56000 |
04 |
Purchase of Pulses |
04.00.21 |
Supplies and Materials |
AN845 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
05 |
Purchase of Sugar |
05.00.21 |
Supplies and Materials |
AN846 |
0 |
191688 |
191688 |
Total-Major Head "2408" |
353000 |
353000 |
3456 |
Major Head |
00.001 |
Direction and Administration-- Establishment |
05.01.01 |
Salaries |
847 |
36228 |
48053 |
84281 |
05.01.02 |
Wages |
848 |
26397 |
26397 |
05.01.03 |
Overtime Allowances |
849 |
200 |
50 |
250 |
05.01.06 |
Medical Treatment |
5520 |
1000 |
300 |
1300 |
05.01.11 |
Domestic Travel Expenses |
850 |
1000 |
200 |
1200 |
05.01.13 |
Office Expenses |
851 |
2000 |
400 |
2400 |
02.01.14 |
Rent, Rates and Taxes |
GN085 |
100 |
100 |
05.01.21 |
Supplies and Materials |
GP123 |
3000 |
3000 |
05.01.27 |
Minor Works |
GP124 |
700 |
700 |
Total-Direction and Administration |
44128 |
75500 |
119628 |
05.99.50 |
Information Technology - Other Charges |
5521 |
5000 |
0 |
5000 |
001.06 |
State Commission/District |
5521 |
5000 |
0 |
5000 |
Forum and Consumer Protection |
06.00.11 |
Domestic Travel Expenses |
GP125 |
500 |
500 |
06.00.42 |
Lump Sum Provision |
5174 |
0 |
0 |
06.00.50 |
Other Charges |
5126 |
1000 |
1000 |
00.796.01 |
Tribal Area Sub-Plan Other Schemes |
01.00.01 |
Salaries |
852 |
11227 |
0 |
11227 |
01.00.06 |
Medical Treatment |
5522 |
800 |
0 |
800 |
01.00.13 |
Office Expenses |
853 |
500 |
0 |
500 |
Total-Tribal Area Sub-Plan |
12527 |
0 |
12527 |
00.198.01 |
Grants to Gram Panchayat |
01.00.31 |
Grant in Aid |
345 |
0 |
345 |
Total-Major Head |
3456 |
63500 |
75500 |
139000 |
3475 |
Other General Economic Services |
00.106 |
Regulation of Weights and Measures |
01.00.01 |
Salaries |
854 |
800 |
790 |
1590 |
01.00.03 |
Overtime Allowances |
855 |
100 |
10 |
110 |
01.00.06 |
Medical Treatment |
5523 |
200 |
100 |
300 |
01.00.11 |
Domestic Travel Expenses |
856 |
500 |
100 |
600 |
01.00.13 |
Office Expenses |
857 |
800 |
200 |
1000 |
00.796 |
Tribal Area Sub-Plan Other Schemes |
01.00.13 |
Office Expenses |
858 |
500 |
0 |
500 |
Total Major Head 3475 |
2900 |
1200 |
4100 |
Total Revenue Section |
66400 |
76700 |
143100 |
4408 |
Capital Outlay on Food Storage and Warehousing |
02.800 |
Other Expendidture Buildings |
01.00.53 |
Major Works |
12000 |
0 |
12000 |
02.796.01 |
Tribal Area Sub-Plan Buildings |
01.00.53 |
Major Works |
2200 |
0 |
2200 |
Total-Major Head |
4408 |
14200 |
0 |
14200 |